Welcome to the Family
We love sharing Just Between Friends with our community. And once you've been a part of our sale, you're family. So...welcome to our JBF Family!

Hi, We're Kylee & Amber!
We are the co-owners and event coordinators for JBF St Charles County and are so glad you're here. Having kiddos of our own (Brian (K's), Carter (A's), Nora (A's), and Quinn (A's)), we understand how expensive it can be to provide all the wants and needs of a growing family. That is why we bring this amazing event to our community!
A Little About Us
We are friends that do just about everything together...family vacations, gym, holidays, volleyball, and of course Just Between Friends. Before becoming owners, we were consignors and team members at JBF St Charles County. Many Friday evenings have been spent binge watching reality shows and getting all our kiddos (or others, past Valet Taggers hereπ) outgrown items prepared for the sale together. What brought us together you might ask? Our husbands became BFFs while attending Eastern Missouri Police Academy seven years ago and, as they say, the rest is history.
Our Team
Each JBF sale is a community effort and we are so thankful for all of the team members who make it happen! We couldn't do it without you. Sellers who are able to help at the sale get to shop earlier and earn more!
Want to know more?
Join our email list or ask a question below.